Monday, May 11, 2009


"In prayer persevere, keeping alert in it in giving thanks." (Col 4:2)

The word for prayer reminds us of "prosecute," which of course is related to "pressing" charges, of "pleadings" of court. Persevere also begins with that "pressing" all the action tending towards giving thanks. And while pressing on, keep alert, pay attention. This advice "presses" back from under sloth and ingratitude. Prayer is active, alert, gratitudinous!
Even lamenting Psalms turn towards alert expectation and anticipatory thanksgiving.

This verse called me today even before I read it. When I first woke up, hearing the bird-symphony outside, I also inwardly heard the thought, "Press on." I had fallen behind, mired in procrastination; distracted by other duties; disheartened by failure, anomie, the demonic imps muttering, "It's no use; you're not good enough." blah blah blah.
When that happens, the Spirit says, "Onward." When that happens it's time to start over. I guess that is what perseverence consists of, constantly starting over.

There. I'm up.

"In proseuxhu proskartereite, greigorountes en autei en eucharistia."

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