Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I like this stuff!

A New Yorker cartoon years ago showed a man in a suit with briefcase
in a museum looking at pictures of martinis, a telephone, a memo pad;
and commenting, "Hey! I like this stuff!" That's how I feel about madonnas,
pictures of saints, stained glass, and liturgical designs. On the piano I
play hymns, and I really like reading the Bible.

This madonna in red icon was given to me by a Russian woman who stayed with us one summer while working on her research. She wrote that the third
hand meant the Virgin could help people.

We also have an expression in religion of seeing with the third eye,
listening with the third ear. Our devotion to God gives us expanded
consciousness and conscience. I also have religious dreams. So in addition to loving God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, I also love the Bible, religious art, architecture and music.

They nourish my faith the way food nourishes my big fat body!