Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ash Wednesday

Thinking of Lents gone by: better Lents, faster Lents (running more swiftly the race, as the Apostle would say). Some big sacrifice Lents: times when we gave up caffeine--or alcohol--or TV!! I had seasons when I vowed to stop complaining (my besetting sin in addition to sloth and gluttony). Denny and I shared times of retreat, of vigils, and of flinging selves into Yahweh's arms. Thank God we did those Lents.

Today finds my soul stranded on the floe of old age drifting towards Thee, sloth and paralysis ascendant, and learning again, "Without Thee one is unable to please Thee" and, "Apart from me, ye can do nothing."

I wrote down my Lenten rule and shared it with a dear friend. "Our battle is not against flesh and blood..." again from St. Paul. Fellow Christians, put on God's full armor. (Ephesians six--look up!)