Friday, May 16, 2008

What Happened?

A dogging nagging question of my personal history: What happened? It's going to be a section in my memoirs.

What happened that I have not meditated here since Feb. 28th? Well of course the pneumonia blah blah.

But then, a horrible diffidence enshrouded my thoughts.

First, the inability to joke around. Holiness is serious business! How can I write without drollness? So pompous! So not-me? So let's face it vulnerable.

Second, so much happens outside the Daily Office. So I changed my title today to "Thoughts and Questions Occur." Kind of Kierkegaardian, don't you think? That's me, pal of Kierkegaard.

Thirdly, I'm thinking maybe I'm just not wise anymore. I "cling to my religion," as Obama has noticed. I live in extremes more than you would think and get reduced to basic clinging: God's faithfulness endures from age to age; one is God's beloved; believe in God and the one he has sent. It's true, in realizing my unwisdom I cling.

And then I read others' mediations and see how well they are done, and I ask myself, where is the voice of the unwise, the failed, the impaired?

That is the question and thought for today.


J. Michael Povey said...

Thanks my friend

I especially liked and "resonated" with the following:

"I live in extremes more than you would think and get reduced to basic clinging: God's faithfulness endures from age to age; one is God's beloved; believe in God and the one he has sent. It's true, in realizing my unwisdom I cling."

"Bob Wilson"

Isidora said...

We need your voice too!