Friday, January 11, 2008

What is Truth?

“I think it arouse you by way of reminder....”
2 Peter 1:12-21 I Advent Tuesday (year 2)

Peter writes in the Spirit to readers “established in the present truth,” presenting his thoughts as “a lamp” to sustain us “until day dawns.” That is, we already have the truth and we await the full revealing. And what is that truth? That the Gospel is true!
We are not talking about myths or allegories, Peter assures us: “I was there!”

How would life look today viewed by the lamp that the Gospel is true?

Well, nowadays we fear anyone who says they’ve gotten ahold of truth. Such assertions may get you stereotyped and disrespected. (According to legend, Peter was crucified upside down.)

An old Bible teacher of mine helped me understand the Christian creed as confessional (“I believe”) not a dogmatic (“This is how it is”) statement. But this perspective does not mean “It’s true for me” and whatever you believe is “true for you.” On the contrary, cultures teem with false gods and false religions.

Not to say that other religions don't have truth. Pope John XXIII acknowledged that in some encyclical back in the 60s. And I do think persons are called to God through expression in diverse religions. So how are we to judge what is truth?

Contrary to popular belief, there is something tangible about religious faith: the results. As William James writes, in his pioneering work Varieties of Religious Experience, "Judge by the fruits, not the roots."

I'm pretty sure Jesus said something like that too. (Mt 7:16-19)

1 comment:

J. Michael Povey said...

Great stuff Pru

Michael Povey