There's been time to have lots of thoughts because this frustration has been building for a while.
During summer vacation I attended my old church, whose lovely comfortable interior I had been missing; it took me exactly two weeks to get fed up with them, too. Last week yet another pastor I personally love preached yet another lukewarm, feel-good, psychology-based sermon.
While I was up there, I got together with 3 friends from the old, ardent prayer group, and they have left the Church due to these same frustrations--and they are now adrift. I had thought I was different, but maybe I'm not.
Back home at my computer, I read an article about the Church of England's concern they are losing members. Some of their clergy are doing wonderful outreach, though. "Jesus said to reach out to the poor." The article ended with a quote that even if there's no afterlife, the speaker would feel he had a meaningful life serving the poor.
Jesus is their role model, not their Lord and Savior! Clearly, that is why the Church is losing membership. For, "If a man's hope is in this life only, he above all men is to be pitied!"
Because the Church has drifted away from the truth of the Resurrection: "The one who believeth in me hath eternal life!!"
Because now the Episcopal Church near me wants to be a "spiritual home to all"-- all but those who bow to Jesus' name. I swear they all go to some clergy workshop where they're told not to mention Jesus too much!
Because belief in eternal life through Jesus must mean you're a) right-wing, anti-civil liberties fundamentalist or b) stupid.
And also because--I would like to add--that in all the weeks I've been missing services, the only personal communication received from the church has been a mailing about my pledge balance.